About Cadernos
Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas is a biannual peer-reviewed journal, which is indexed to the international databases Latindex, Qualis/CAPES, and WorldCat.
The editors invite authors to submit original research articles, which have not been previously published in other journal or book, concerning Sephardic studies, Iberian conversos history and Sephardic diaspora.
It will be accepted papers in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. All papers will be evaluated by double-blind peer-review system. Upon receipt of the paper, the editors will submit it for evaluation by two external, independent and anonymous experts. After submission, the editors will notify the author on the decision to publish (or not publish) his/her paper within a period bellow 6 months. The scientific and editorial boards reserve the right to reject any paper that does not fit the editorial criteria of the journal.
Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas cannot consider a paper if it has been published elsewhere (in any language), is currently under consideration by another publication, or has circulated on line in any kind of platform.
The paper should not exceed the 50,000 characters, including blank spaces and footnotes. It should be included an abstract (< 900 characters, including blank spaces) and 4 or 5 keywords.
Authors should submit their papers to the email address cadernos_sefarditas@letras.ulisboa.pt.
Maria de Fátima Reis
Editorial board:
Carla Vieira
Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço
Susana Bastos Mateus
Scientific board:
Béatrice Perez (Université Paris-Sorbonne, França)
Bruno Feitler (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brasil)
Francesco Guidi-Bruscoli (Università di Firenze, Itália)
François Soyer (University of New England, Austrália)
Jaqueline Vassallo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba | CONICET, Argentina)
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva(Institute of Social History of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Países Baixos)
Editorial board
Scientific board
Call for papers
Recensões críticas
Além de artigos de investigação, a comissão editorial dos Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas também aceita a submissão de recensões críticas de obras enquadradas no âmbito temático da revista e publicadas no decorrer dos últimos dois anos.
Call for Papers
Throughout the year, the Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas welcome the submission of articles within the journal’s thematic scope: Sephardic studies, Iberian New Christians and Sephardic diaspora.