Call for Papers

All submitted papers will be evaluated by double-blind peer-review system. It will be accepted papers in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. The paper should not exceed the 50,000 characters, including blank spaces and footnotes. It should be included an abstract (<900 characters, including blank spaces) and 4 or 5 keywords. All references should be footnotes, without a final bibliography, and according to the journal’s citation guidelines. Article submission
Authors should submit their papers to the email address

Recensões críticas

Recensões críticas

Além de artigos de investigação, a comissão editorial dos Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas também aceita a submissão de recensões críticas de obras enquadradas no âmbito temático da revista e publicadas no decorrer dos últimos dois anos.

Call for papers

Call for papers

The submission of original research articles or book reviews is welcome throughout the year.