Scientific board
Béatrice Perez
Béatrice Perez was pensionnaire da Fondation Thiers and currently is corresponding scholar of the Academia Portuguesa da História and professor of Early Modern Civilization and History in the University of Sorbonne. She is the author of Les marchands de Séville. Une société inquiète (XVe-XVIe siècle) (Paris, 2016), and Inquisition, Pouvoir, Société. La province de Séville et ses judéoconvers sous les Rois Catholiques (Paris, 2007) (winner of the Prix de Recherche do Centre Alberto-Benveniste) and editor of La reputación. Quête individuelle et aspiration collective dans l’Espagne des Habsbourg. Hommage au professeur Araceli Guillaume-Alonso (Paris, 2018).
Bruno Feitler
Bruno Feitler is PhD in History and Civilizations from the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (2001). He his associate professor of Early Modern History at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. He is researcher of the CNPq (Brasil), and editor of the journals Revista Brasileira de História (biénio 2017-2019), and Revista de Fontes. His main research interests are the Portuguese Inquisition, the Chuch in colonial Brazil and the Jewish-Christian relations in the Dutch Pernambuco. He is the author of Nas malhas da consciência. Igreja e Inquisição no Brasil colônia (2007), and The Imaginary Synagogue. Anti-Jewish Literature in the Portuguese Early Modern World (2015).
Francesco Guidi-Bruscoli
Francesco Guidi-Bruscoli is associate professor of Economic History at the University of Firenze. He is also foreigner corresponding scholar at the Academia Portuguesa da História (Portuguese Academy of History), and associate member of the Academia de Marinha (Navy Academy). His publications include Papal Banking in Renaissance Rome (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), and Bartolomeo Marchionni, «homem de grossa fazenda» (ca. 1450-1530). Un mercante fiorentino a Lisbona e l’impero portoghese (Florence: Olschki, 2014), which was the winner of the award Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (European History).
François Soyer
François Soyer isSenior Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of New England in Australia. His research is focused on the history of antisemitism and anti-semitic propaganda in Early Modern Europe, especially in Iberia. Recently, he has concluded a work on the antisemitic conspiracy theories in Early Modern Iberic world. He is now developing a project on the origins, development and impact of the “libelos de sangue” legend in Spain, with particular emphasis on the cases of the “Libelo de Sangue” of San Dominguito de Val and Santo Niño de la Guardia.
Jaqueline Vassallo
Jaqueline Vassallo has a PhD in Law and Social Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. She is an independent scholar at the CONICET and a associate professor at the Escuela de Archivología, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la UNC. She is the author of several works on women studies in Tucumán and Río de la Plata during the colonial period, in which she articulates gender problems with secular and inquisitorial colonial justice issues. She is part of the project “Vida cotidiana, cultura gráfica y reforma católica en el mundo hispánico: tolerancias, resistencias y censuras” (Daily life, printing culture and Catholic reform in the Hispanic world: tolerances, resistance and censorship), headed by Manuel Peña Díaz (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain).
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva is a Senior Researcher of the International Institute of Social History of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, in Amsterdam. She studied History at the NOVA University of Lisbon (BA Honours, 1996; MA 2001) and at Leiden University (PhD, 2009). Her current research interests focus on the history of Labour, Migration, Trade and Population, in the Atlantic and in sub-Saharan Africa during the pre-colonial and colonial periods. She is also working with Inquisition archival materials concerning Atlantic Africa, the Portuguese Empire and Portugal to study shifts in patterns of crime and punishment in these spaces.